European Press Academic Publishing

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Angelo Zaglio

La Peste dei secoli e il gioco delle Parti

534 pagine, ISBN 9788883980961

The evolution of the juridical-organizational events, which have tried to stem this unexpected, irrepressible, traumatic "mallet blow" in Italy that has brought the mind, soul and body of all citizens to their knees, which has subverted (forever ?) interpersonal relationships.
For each day in which there were significant events, from January 2020 to early May 2020, the following were reported and examined in detail, among others: The first official Chinese reports. The epidemiological intelligence reports of supranational organizations. The technical reports of the Italian agencies. Reports to Parliament. The summaries of the most significant legislative acts. Synoptic tables of mortality. The explanatory posters. Excerpts from ministerial press conferences. And much more.
But who are the Knights? Which rides have they undertaken and how? Did they defeat the Dragon? It is up to you to find out.
  • 70.00 €

Subjects: Law